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Learning More About Siberian Husky Bloodlines

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Learning More About Siberian Husky Bloodlines

How can you learn when nobody will teach you?

In all the WorldWide Web, there is only one place where you can find substantial information concerning the details of Siberian Husky bloodlines and historic Siberian Husky breeders. Not the Siberian Husky Club of America, nor the ISHC nor the SHCC or any others will trouble themselves to educate their own novice breeders. Likewise, the older experienced breeders of Siberian Huskies seem to feel no obligation to help educate the younger generation. All of the "educational" material on these websites seems to concern "why you probably shouldn't have a Siberian Husky."
How can you learn, when nobody will teach you?

Fortunately, there IS now one website where you can learn something about the bloodline history of the Siberian Husky!
In this site twenty-nine distinct Siberian Husky bloodlines are discussed in detail, with information about the breeders and their foundation stock, together with a number of five-generation example pedigrees selected to show the nature of each bloodline.
This educational material is written from the viewpoint of distinguishing Seppala strain and its influence on major Siberian Husky bloodlines, inasmuch as the text, pedigrees, and information are provided by the Seppala Siberian Sleddog Project and the site hosting and maintenance are sponsored by the Project as well.

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